
  • Kitchens made to order

    We offer a tentative consulting service, especially the arrangement of components, material selection and indoor equipment, accessories and metal fittings including the drafting in 3D design

    Find out more

  • Slicing center

    Another service of our company is cutting elements on the cutting centers. Cutting is performed on the machine brand HOMAG.

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  • SLIDE 03

    Řezání provádíme na stroji značky HOMAG. Optimalizaci, umístění dílců do plochy s ohledem na úsporu materiálu a času, zajišťuje nejnovější program CUT Rite V10.

    Zjistit více

  • SLIDE 04

    Řezání provádíme na stroji značky HOMAG. Optimalizaci, umístění dílců do plochy s ohledem na úsporu materiálu a času, zajišťuje nejnovější program CUT Rite V10.

    Zjistit více

NC Cutting Centre

  • Another service provided by our company is the parts cutting in the Cutting Centre. We use the machine of the HOMAG brand for cutting. The state-of-the-art program CUT Rite V10 arranges optimization, placement of parts into the surface in consideration of material and time saving. We also offer banding of formatted parts with ABS edges in various thicknesses and slot milling.
  • Just to get an idea of consumption of surface material and ABS edges, the form contains an approximate calculation of total quantity of the material needed for production. For calculation of exact quantity of material and price for formatting it is necessary to fill in the e-form – a file of the XLSX type. Send the filled-in form to the e-mail:
  • We will prepare the price offer and we will set the exact quantity of surface material quantity after optimization.

Cutting Centre

Continuously updated ceník nářezového centra - you can use the service in our Čebín plant.


Form for Calculation

Download the form for calculation in xlsx form.


 For sample of correctly filled form for download - click here  xlsx.jpg



Provozovna Čebín
ico-point.png   664 23 ČEBÍN - horní areál ZD
ico-phone.png   +420 601 366 686
Sídlo kanceláře
ico-point.png   Na Královkách 895, Kuřim
ico-phone.png   +420 602 710 942